Save the Date! Next year’s Ladies Conference “In His Image” will be held on April 23-25, 2020. The special speakers will be Janet Trout and Lisa Doughty.

Save the Date! Next year’s Ladies Conference “In His Image” will be held on April 23-25, 2020. The special speakers will be Janet Trout and Lisa Doughty.
The annual Missouri District Ladies Conference was held at the Springfield Expo Center in Springfield, Missouri on April 25-27, 2019. The theme was Journey – Looking for a City.
Kathy Hernandez was our evening speaker. She shared her heart, worshipped in song as she played the saxophone, and prayed with people in the altar to receive their healing, and receive the Holy Ghost. Melinda Poitras was our day speaker. She had a beautiful way of sharing her message with humor and wit. Although it was her first time to speak to a Missouri Ladies Conference, she made an immediate connection with the ladies that made them anxious to listen to what she had to say.
Shauna Hord, and a group of ladies from across the state, led us into worship in each service. Her choice of songs made it easy to join in and sing. Her anointed leading ushered us into the presence of the Lord.
On Friday night we celebrated the churches who had given to Mothers Memorial last year and challenged the ladies to help us to reach our 2019 goal of $119,000.00. We raised $9,852.09 in the offering that night.
Saturday’s brunch was a change in our usual format, but it was a wonderful time of fellowship. Michelle Hopper and her team had it beautifully decorated and the ladies enjoyed the elegant atmosphere as they savored their breakfast meal. An abundance of prizes with the journey theme were given away including watches, purses, and home décor.
A fun touch to this year’s event was the golf cart shuttle service with their “Taxi Cab” signs. Several men volunteered their time to be the drivers of the two rented golf carts that shuttled the ladies from the hotel and parking areas to the Expo entrance.
Next year’s Ladies Conference “In His Image” will be held on April 23-25, 2020. The special speakers will be Janet Trout and Lisa Doughty.
Special thanks to Captured By Cory Photography for photos of the event.