Missouri District Ladies Conference 2019 will be held on April 25-27, 2019 with special speakers Kathy Hernandez and Vani Marshall. Saturday’s session will be a brunch that will require the additional cost to purchase a ticket. More details will be posted soon about this exciting event that you WON’T WANT TO MISS!!
The main conference sessions, booths and prayer rooms will be located in the Springfield Expo Center across the street from University Plaza Hotel.
Springfield Expo
635 E. St. Louis St.
Springfield, MO 65806
Room Block at University Plaza Hotel will open for reservations on Wednesday, September 5th at 10 AM.
Room rate is $119.00 plus taxes and fees
University Plaza Hotel
333 S John Q Hammons Pkwy
Springfield, MO 65806
(417) 864-7333